Monday, November 2, 2020

Letters to the Seven Churches

The seven churches were historical churches in Asia Minor (present day Turkey) at the time Revelation was written. Though the letters were addressed to them, the messages are still applicable to churches and believers today. Some think that each of these churches represents a certain period of the church age, while others feel that the messages are meant for believers of all ages and therefore timeless. Doubtless, there will always be faithful martyrs and the remnants, for God will not leave Himself without a voice or witness in the world.

Each letter follows a pattern. First, a salutation to the church it is written for, then a description of Christ's characteristics that matches that particular church's need or problem, followed by commendation for their works, criticism for their failures, if any, an appeal to repent or admonition to heed, and finally a promise of blessing for those who overcome.

For an overview of each church's character and traits, I have reproduced part of my journal here for reference:

Most of these churches have shortcomings in spite of their strengths. But despite their flaws and faults, Christ still loves His Church. We too should uphold the church community God planted us in with our prayers and support through giving and serving, learning to live in the Father's house and not to be inactive, play church, or even church hop to find one that suit our tastes the way we do shopping or food scouting.

No church is perfect and neither are we. Instead of criticizing and nit-picking, we ought to be committed in exercising our spiritual gifts and contributing to its growth and vitality. We too will be commended or rebuked when the day comes for us all to stand before the Head of the Church.


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