But that is not what Christ intended. He expects those who read to understand it because we should all have studied the entire scope of Scripture such that the symbols, signs, and semantics would all be familiar to us. Sadly many Christians never read or study their Bible diligently so when it comes to understanding this book, they are totally lost.
The book of Revelation has been given by God the Father to Jesus Christ to show to His servants—us—what is to come to pass shortly. It is intended for Christians. We are the ones for whom the information will be vital and applicable.
This is the only book in the Bible that has a blessing attached to it. That indicates its importance in God’s eyes. Yet many people, including pastors, do not even study or teach this book. They feel it is irrelevant to Christians. This attitude comes from believing that they won't be here when all these things take place—an unfortunate result of that belief. Now if we don't think we'll have to endure anything mentioned in it, then the blessing becomes irrelevant since there will be nothing for us to 'keep', isn't it?
The blessing is for those who not only read and understand, but keep the words of this book. We can't keep what we can't understand. Therefore, to understand the book, it has to be taken in the context which the writer intended—this is the only way everyone can possibly come to a proper and common understanding. The words of great importance, as we will see, are the words that keep coming up—that Christians are to overcome and patiently endure to the end. The blessing is that we will know what is coming, live accordingly, and possibly escape those things which lie ahead.
Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36)
In this age of huge scientific and technological breakthroughs when information travels at lightning speed, we are beginning to see where this rapid progress is taking us and how much of what John had written is starting to make sense.
We should be vigilant and watchful, and not be like the rest of the world, indulging in the temporary pleasures and pursuits of this life. The signs are everywhere for those with eyes to see and take heed. For the majority of people, as well as those who are spiritually asleep, its fulfillment will come as a terrible shock and rude awakening:
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare it shall come upon all that dwell on the face of the whole earth. (Luke 21:34-35)
Indeed, the time is at hand.
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