Friday, October 30, 2020

Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Verses 4-6

Revelation was written to the seven churches in Asia Minor which, through their individual qualities and characteristics, represented the body of believers in all ages. In this salutation the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, all three Persons of the Godhead are present together, so this is also a strong proof text of the triune God that we believe in and hold on to.

And what a privilege that we are loved by Him who is faithful —the resurrected and ever-living Lord over all powers and authorities, who by His very own blood purged away all our sins, and has given us the honor to serve God as kings and priests, positions that are reserved only for the apple of His eyes. How can we then not echo with John the doxology of gratitude—Hallelujah! All glory and dominion belong to our God for ever and ever. Amen!

Verse 7

Jesus Christ will come again in clouds of glory, just as He ascended back into heaven after His resurrection. This time, however, every living person will witness it, both the Jews (those who pierced and rejected Him) and the Gentiles (all kindreds of the earth). There will be great despair and regret (wailing) when the Jews realize that Jesus (Yeshua) is indeed the Messiah, and the rest of the world are finally convinced that Christianity is true after all. But it will be too late.

Verse 8

The declaration of Jesus Christ as the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (ending), is reinforced by His transcendent attribute to have always existed in the past, the present, and will continue to exist into the future, and by His affirmative status as the Almighty. Christ is thus co-equal with the Father, the Ancient of Days.

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